Pioneering sustainability: ista Luxembourg and CFL multimodal join forces

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ista Luxembourg S.à r.l and CFL multimodal SA., through its subsidiary CFL logistics, are happy to announce the signature of a long-term agreement. The logistics expert provides warehousing, customs and distribution services to ista, an international energy and water usage metering service provider.

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17/05/2024 |
  • ista Luxembourg x CLF multimodal

CFL logistics ensures storage of ista’s products in a temperature-controlled, TAPA certified environment while also providing order processing services. Thanks to the logistics provider’s experience and to the efficient warehouse management system, ista Luxembourg benefits from secure, flexible and streamlined warehousing solutions, as well as an on-site office for real-time technical intervention by ista’s product experts.

In its quest to provide data-based products and services for transparent individual energy consumption to residents so they may save energy, lower their costs and CO2 emissions, ista Luxembourg decided to work with advocate of greener transport solutions, CFL multimodal. 
Currently, ista Luxembourg stores heating cost allocators, heat and cooling meters and smoke detectors at the warehouse in Dudelange. 

“I am excited that yet another company chose to work with us, based not just on the service quality and added value we provide, but also the understanding of sharing a similar mission. Both of our companies want to help businesses and individuals reduce their carbon footprint and by aiming to do so, create a working environment that encourages the development of innovative solutions. Solutions, I might add, that are not just developed for today, but also for future 
generations. We know we have that responsibility.” Rocco Brondeau, CEO CFL logistics.

“We are very pleased to have won a logistics partner in CFL who understands the business and with whose help we can optimize our logistics processes. As we no longer need our own storage space and have saved on part of the organisational structure, we can further reduce our costs and our overall carbon footprint.” Joachim Colles, Country Manager ista Luxembourg.

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