Luxair's Response to GPS Spoofing Challenges

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Recently, incidents of GPS spoofing have been reported across the aviation industry, impacting also a few Luxair flights.

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30/04/2024 |
  • Boeing 737-8  Luxair 2

In recent months, flights in some regions of the world have experienced disruptions due to GPS spoofing incidents. In response, Luxair has swiftly implemented flight procedures recommended by the aircraft manufacturers to mitigate any associated risks. These measures include the utilization of alternative conventional navigation systems that are independent of GPS and the deactivation of faulty GPS signals.

It is important to clarify that these proactive measures do not compromise the safety of Luxair flights in any way. Luxair remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and operational integrity across its fleet and routes.

Furthermore, Luxair would like to address inaccuracies in some media coverage regarding this matter. Despite reports suggesting otherwise, Luxair wants to assure its passengers that the airline is well aware of GPS spoofing incidents and that its operational teams are fully capable of reacting to them efficiently should one occur and that these incidents do never lead to a loss of control of the aircraft.

Luxair remains dedicated to providing safe, reliable, and efficient air travel experiences for its passengers, and will continue to monitor the situation while following all EASA and industry regulations.

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