LuxairGroup tackles the crisis

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LuxairGroup is profitable and closes the financial year 2013 with a positive financial result. This performance, which exceeds all forecasts, confirms the airline’s growth strategy

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20/05/2014 |
  • Luxair

To achieve Roland Berger’s recommendations, we carried out a thorough analysis of LuxairGroup’s operations and subsequently optimised and innovated where we could. Thanks to an aggressive commercial strategy, we managed to reduce losses for our Airline activity while maintaining the current level of employment, which we can be proud of

Adrien Ney, LuxairGroup President and CEO

While the financial year 2012 was characterised by a heavy loss of over 10 million Euro, 2013 was marked by a reversal of the negative trend for LuxairGroup. With a positive net result of 1.9 million Euro despite fierce and growing competition and a still gloomy economic environment.

This extraordinary performance, with results beyond all predictions and expectations, did not come about by chance, but shows the LuxairGroup staff’s commitment and the company’s capacity to achieve change.

“LuxairGroup has demonstrated its capacity to react and perform in difficult times, and continues to be an important player in the local economy”, says LuxairGroup chairman Paul Helminger

Mandated by the Board of Directors to define a new strategy, Roland Berger Consultants concluded that the current business model is the only possible one. To make it sustainable, however, LuxairGroup has to achieve financial stability by limiting losses in the regular airline activity, by controlling costs generally and by optimising processes to increase efficiency and productivity.

LuxairGroup President and CEO Adrien Ney is satisfied with the outcome: “To achieve Roland Berger’s recommendations, we carried out a thorough analysis of LuxairGroup’s operations and subsequently optimised and innovated where we could. Thanks to an aggressive commercial strategy, we managed to reduce losses for our Airline activity while maintaining the current level of employment, which we can be proud of.”

More information in the document below.

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