CFA SOCIETY LUXEMBOURG ASBL celebrate 20th anniversary


Local investment professionals demonstrate commitment to shaping a more trustworthy financial industry.

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25/10/2023 |
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On October 9th, over 200 members and guests from major Luxembourg institutions gathered to celebrate the 20th anniversary of CFA Society Luxembourg.

Distinguished speakers gave insights and shared thoughts with the audience; including Yuriko Backes, Luxembourg Finance Minister and Paul Smith, CFA, former President and CEO of CFA Institute.

Created in 2003, CFA Society Luxembourg saw its first Test Center open in June 2004, followed by the introduction of CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards and Asset Manager Code of Conduct to professionals and regulators and in 2009 the publication of a White Paper on Asset Management.

Alongside promoting CFA Institute programs and certifications such as the CFA® Program, ESG Certificate, and Investment Foundations Certificate, the board also organizes monthly educational conferences and regular networking events for its members.

Since 2008, CFA Society Luxembourg has partnered with Bocconi University to deliver an annual conference to members and academics. In 2014 collaboration with the University established the CFA university recognition program where student teams compete annually in the Investment Research Challenge.

In 2015 the Society organized the first “Women in Finance’ event and the first ‘Global Society Alliance’ webinar with the Boston Security Analyst Society, CFA Society Beijing and CFA Society Brazil.

Since 2017, the Society has offered soft skills training and in 2022 launched the Benelux Management Masterclass series.

In 2012, CFA Society Luxembourg decided to open local membership to CFA Program candidates and investment professionals, to further promote professional standards.

Membership of CFA Society Luxembourg has grown 50 per cent over the past five years and around 600 candidates sat an exam in Luxembourg this year.

Over the next 20 years the ambition remains to position CFA Society Luxembourg as a major player in Luxembourg’s financial landscape encouraging the Luxembourgish financial profession to act in the best interests of society. It is committed to promoting excellence in ethical and professional standards within the investment community and to this end will continue to foster partnerships with employers, regulators, industry associations and educational institutions.

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