Incident at Luxembourg airport


Following the incident at Luxembourg airport on Sunday 14 May, involving one of its aircraft, Cargolux confirms that a full, independent investigation is underway by AET, the Administration of Technical Investigations, who is the relevant authority in Luxembourg.

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17/05/2023 |
  • LX-VCB

Cargolux will continue to work in close collaboration with them to establish the cause of the incident. More information concerning the circumstances will be communicated once we are able to do so.

Cargolux would like to express its sincere thanks and appreciation to the CGDIS emergency services, , luxAirport, LuxairCargo, the DAC (Direction de l’Aviation Civile), AET, the airport police, ANA (Administration de la Navigation Aérienne) and its employees who all assisted in ensuring that the aircraft could be towed off the runway in the shortest possible time. The airline is grateful for their swift and professional response to the incident.

“On behalf of Cargolux, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to all entities involved in the recovery operations for their quick action, competence, and collaboration. I would also like to thank the passengers traveling through Luxembourg airport at the time of the incident for the patience they demonstrated while repair work was underway”, says Richard Forson, Cargolux President and CEO

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