Wavestone is in the top 5 of 2023 Great Place to Work® Luxembourg ranking


This year, Wavestone Luxembourg ranks 4th in the category of midsize companies (from 50 to 99 employees) with 86% of Luxembourg employees participating in the survey (+3 points compared to 2021) and 80% of employees considering the firm as "a really good place to work". This success is also international for Wavestone, which is also certified in all its worldwide offices and labeled Great Place to Work for Wellbeing® in the UK.

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31/03/2023 |
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A company life fueled by the Positive Way, Wavestone's Foundation of Values

The firm makes client satisfaction one of its top priorities, and this value is reflected in the commitment of employees to excellence in expertise, deliverables and client relations. The Great Place to Work survey in Luxembourg highlights that 79% of employees surveyed believe that clients would rate the quality of Wavestone's services as "excellent", a sentiment confirmed by a client satisfaction rate of 93% (source: client satisfaction survey).

Employee development is also at the heart of Wavestone's corporate strategy. The strategic plan calls for an overhaul of the training path with the recent launch of the "Learning Factory," an entity responsible for training employees on cross-functional hard skills. The survey shows that 67% of employees feel that they are offered training and development opportunities that are useful for their professional development, an increase of 22 points compared to 2021. In addition, initiative-taking is strongly encouraged, allowing everyone to express themselves and have an impact on the company's development.

Wavestone also strives to be an ethical and responsible company through concrete actions in environmental matters (creation of a Sustainability offering, reducing Wavestone's impact in line with the Net-Zero Standard of the SBTi initiative, etc.), societal engagement (Powerday, skills sponsorship), gender equality (percentage of women in management, virtual "Women@Wavestone" cafés), and diversity and inclusion (signing the LGBT+ charter from l'Autre Cercle charity and appointing a sponsor on this topic, raising awareness and imposing sanctions against discrimination, creating a Wavestone Disability Mission team, etc.). Over 98% of respondents say they are treated fairly, regardless of their sexual orientation, ethnic origin, gender, or any disability, and 90% appreciate the firm’s social contribution.

The firm values collective intelligence and shared success, convinced that they offer the best learning opportunities. This collective spirit is particularly appreciated by employees who experience it across teams and projects: 81% of survey participants testify to the attention paid to each other at Wavestone and 82% confirm the pleasant work atmosphere.

Flexibility and Well-being at the Heart of the Work Environment

Wavestone Luxembourg’s work organization is based on principles of flexibility, well-being, and individual responsibility. Remote working is encouraged as the firm has no quota for remote work/on-site days and employees have the freedom to organize their schedules to help manage daily constraints (transportation, school drop-offs, urgent appointments, etc.), an initiative called “Flexitime”. As a result, the company is valued for its flexible working conditions, which allow employees to thrive in a demanding environment while maintaining a good work-life balance.

As one of the survey respondents stated “what makes Wavestone Luxembourg a great place to work is that there is a friendly environment to work in. Many people have established important and long-lasting relationships, and this is key especially for people moving from another country.”

Strong Confidence in Management and a Rich Career Development Path

According to 86% of surveyed employees, management is "accessible, open to discussions," and 92% of attest that the management manages the company honestly and respecting ethical rules. Fanny Rouhet, HR Development Director, explains: "Wavestone's HR model is based on Career Development Managers (CDMs), selected from the teams to support, develop, and retain employees throughout their careers. To become CDMs, they must demonstrate proven HR qualities (listening, openness, kindness, diligence, availability) and be ambassadors of Wavestone's project and values. This demanding role, which they receive training for, allows them to develop numerous managerial skills, such as the ability to promote growth, manage interpersonal relationships, demonstrate leadership, and guide." Qualified management is confirmed by 82% of respondents who believe that Wavestone's managers are competent (resource coordination, responsibility allocation, big-picture vision).

As one of the survey participants noted: “Wavestone gives its employees the freedom to try and to experiment by providing a safe environment to learn from your mistakes. Wavestone has a clear career path to be followed and offers an interesting, structured way to provide feedback and to guide employees towards their objectives. In my view, the CDM - CDMee relation is a positive aspect.”

Employees also benefit from rapid and diverse career development opportunities, supported by a dual system: formalized job reference frameworks, describing each grade and the key skills required to advance to the next level, allowing each employee to co-construct their career path at Wavestone with the help of their Career Manager; and a mobility system, giving employees the opportunity to change job roles, areas of expertise, or geographical regions.

“To begin with, I am very proud to see that Wavestone Luxembourg is once again in the top of the ranking, which rewards the work of our teams to build a fulfilling and stimulating work environment for all. I would like to thank all the participants for allowing us to measure the feelings of our employees and to adjust our policies so that they can fully enjoy themselves within Wavestone Luxembourg. The Great Place to Work® recognition program positively impacts both retention and attraction of talent. Internally, it fosters a sense of pride and commitment among employees, as they feel valued and recognized for their contributions. Externally, the recognition serves as a signal to potential candidates that our company is committed to providing a supportive and rewarding work environment, making it an attractive choice for top talent. Our 2023 HR priorities include strengthening our management team's capabilities on key HR topics and continuing to focus on retaining our talents by actively listening to their feedback and advice. Maintaining open communication channels with our workforce will help us ensure that their needs and expectations are consistently met, ultimately contributing to a thriving work environment.” – Alessandro Zamboni, Head of Luxembourg office

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