Luxaviation Group won “Most Luxurious Private Aviation Service 2023 – Europe” in recent Leaders in Luxury Awards

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Luxaviation Group, one of the largest business aircraft and helicopter operators worldwide headquartered in Luxembourg, has been awarded the distinction of Most Luxurious Private Aviation Service 2023 – Europe in the 2023 Leaders in Luxury Awards.

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21/03/2023 |
  • Patrick Hansen  LuxLife Award 2023

    Patrick Hansen, CEO of Luxaviation Group (source: Luxaviation)

The awards are organised by LUXlife, a luxury magazine published by the internationally focused B2B digital publishing group AI Global Media. The Leaders in Luxury accolades recognise businesses and individuals who excel in the luxury product and services sector. The jury is comprised of members of LUXlife’s in-house team, who evaluate the potential winners based on criteria ranging from company performance over a certain time period, to expertise and experience in the industry, and including client testimonials or recommendations.

Patrick Hansen, CEO of Luxaviation Group, says: “We are delighted the LUXlife jury has selected Luxaviation as the winner of the Most Luxurious Private Aviation Service 2023 in Europe. We strive for excellence in our services, and it is rewarding to know that our efforts are being recognised. I would like to thank the highly experienced Luxaviation team, who are committed to providing high-end services to our customers.”

Luxaviation Group’s ambition is to offer a tailor-made service dedicated to excellence for its customers and partners, to further embody and drive its values within the private aviation industry and to provide a streamlined and unified experience, with continuous innovation. Its services reflect the ever-changing luxury landscape and offer sustainable and state-of-the-art solutions, as well as their safe, responsible and ethical delivery.

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