Georges Heinrich joins the Management Board of Banque Raiffeisen

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The Management Board of Banque Raiffeisen, the country's leading cooperative bank, welcomes a new member in the person of Mr Georges Heinrich as of 1 March 2023. He joins the Chairman, Yves Biewer, and the Members of the Management Board, Jean-Louis Barbier, Eric Peyer and Laurent Zahles, Members, to reinforce the Bank's executive body

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18/01/2023 | Personnalités

    Georges Heinrich

Georges Heinrich is a trained economist. He studied in Luxembourg, Namur and Glasgow before obtaining a Ph.D. in Economics from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. From 2000 to 2001, he worked as a researcher at the CEPS/Instead research centre before joining the Ministry of Finance as an attaché in 2001. From 2009 to 2014, he was Director of the Treasury.

In 2014, he joined the Banque de Luxembourg as Director and became its Secretary General in 2017.

As Chairman of the Management Board of Banque Raiffeisen, Yves Biewer welcomes Georges Heinrich: “His academic background and professional experience, as well as his deep sense of human values, are undoubtedly assets for our Management Board and for the Bank as a whole. His experience and convictions in the field of sustainable and responsible finance are also a guarantee that Banque Raiffeisen will resolutely continue to implement its socially responsible strategy.”

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