The Luxembourg Tennis Federation and BGL BNP Paribas are teaming up to support responsible tennis

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Tennis is the world’s fourth-most polluting sport, with over 300 million balls used each year. Although Luxembourg isn’t at the top of the list, it nevertheless consumes 200,000 balls – 11 tonnes – annually.

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13/10/2022 |
  • photo Tennis Responsable

    From l. to r. : Yves Nosbusch, membre du Comité exécutif de BGL BNP Paribas; Karine Degregori, membre du Conseil d’administration de la FLT; Claude Lamberty, président de la FLT © Raoul Somers

The ubiquitous yellow ball is 82% made from rubber. Although rubber can be recycled, Luxembourg doesn’t currently have a recovery facility.

Therefore, the Luxembourg Tennis Federation together with BGL BNP Paribas has launched the “Responsible Tennis” project. The plan involves recovering used tennis balls and transforming them into sports flooring via a five-stage process: the balls are first collected from tennis clubs in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg before being crushed at a special facility at Passel in France; the new material is then transported to Bad Berleburg in Germany, where it is transformed into watertight flooring; finally, the new flooring is installed in sports halls and playgrounds, etc.

“I'm excited to be teaming up with the Luxembourg Tennis Federation, which is a good illustration of our desire to help build a more sustainable future for society as a whole,” says Yves Nosbusch, member of the Executive Committee of BGL BNP Paribas.

Claude Lamberty, President of the Luxembourg Tennis Federation, adds: “We’re delighted to have a solid partner such as BGL BNP Paribas to support us in our aim of making tennis more sustainable. We strongly believe in leading the way and showing responsibility, and this project enables us to take the Luxembourg tennis world to new horizons.”

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