G-Core Labs strengthens its presence in Australia by launching a public cloud PoP in Sydney


G-Core Labs, an international provider of cloud and edge solutions, has strengthened its global infrastructure by launching a new public cloud point-of-presence (PoP) in Sydney, Australia. Users now have access to company’s virtual machines and powerful bare metal servers, giving Australian-based businesses and applications & companies going to launch activities in APAC the infrastructure for cost-effective operation and rapid growth.

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09/06/2022 |
  • G CoreLabs

The new location ensures minimal latency for end-users. With this new public cloud PoP, users will be able to create virtual cloud networks, set up private clusters, manage loads and perform resource-intensive tasks in a secure cloud. G-Core Labs’ offering is unique from other cloud providers due to its additional services ecosystem, which includes powerful CDN and DNS hosting already in operation in Australia. Moreover, in the G-Core Labs’ cloud users can quickly access not only virtual machines but also bare metal servers.

“With the help of our new service, Bare-Metal-as-a-Service, a user can get a ready-to-work dedicated server just as easily as a virtual one. All you need to do is choose the right characteristics, connect a public, private, or several networks at once, and in a few minutes the physical server will be ready to work”, says Andre Reitenbach, CEO of G-Core Labs.

He added, “bare metal nodes are suitable for tasks where virtualization is not applicable - including deployment of resource-intensive applications such as game servers and databases, as well as creation of storage in the public cloud, use as hypervisors and running containers.”

Bare-metal servers offer an additional advantage compared to virtual machines - better security. G-Core Labs reinforces this protection by utilising an advanced suite of cybersecurity tools, combining Intel SGX encryption technology, DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall solutions to offer users protection from all types of possible attacks.

This latest expansion in Australia comes as part of G-Core’s continued efforts to build a worldwide cloud infrastructure. Public clouds are already available from over 15 other locations worldwide including Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo in the APAC region and the cloud and edge specialist is continuing to expand and increase capacity, targeting over 40 extra cloud points of presence worldwide in the near future.

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