Linklaters announces new National Managing Partner

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Linklaters announces that Nicki Kayser has been appointed as National Managing Partner of the Luxembourg office, for a four-year term from 1 May 2022.

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25/04/2022 | Personnalités
  • Linklaters Nicki Kayser

He takes over from Patrick Geortay who has held the role since 2016. As Patrick hands over the leadership reins, he will now focus exclusively on banking, capital markets and financing clients and transactions.

Paul Lewis, Firmwide Managing Partner, said “I would like to thank Patrick for all his hard work over the last few years. Our Luxembourg practice is in a superb position and, under Patrick’s leadership, has brought through an extremely talented group of partners - as most recently evidenced by our elections of Eliane Dejardin Botelho and Claire Prospert. I am also pleased to welcome Nicki into the role. I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Nicki on deals for many years and he will be an excellent leader of the office. I am excited about what the future holds for our team in Luxembourg."

Nicki has spent his entire career at Linklaters and over the past 25 years he has not only excelled in his field but has also developed a deep understanding of the firm and its clients. His exceptional business insight brings critical knowledge and skills to this leadership role. Nicki was made partner in 2006 and has been Head of the Capital Markets and Banking practice since 2016. He is widely recognised for his extensive expertise in banking and capital markets matters.

Nicki comments “I am honoured to be taking up this role and I would like to thank Patrick for his leadership over the past six years. It’s an exciting time for Luxembourg’s financial industry with real opportunities ahead. We have a great team here with both the technical skills and market knowledge to provide our clients with a truly first-class service. They reflect the firm’s commitment to excellence. As a former HR partner, I will continue to promote an inclusive workplace where all can thrive.”

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