Circular Economy is just a buzzword?


“Circular Economy is such a buzzword nowadays, isn´t it?” says Robert Kunzmann, COO of AC Biode.

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28/02/2022 |
  • AC Biode

He joined AC Biode just after finishing his Masters in Engineering for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge.

“I joined AC Biode, because it doesn´t do throw around buzzwords. It is a startup based on real technology that makes a real difference. Take CircuLite for example, it upcycles ash that would otherwise go to waste into new products like filters. That makes a real circular economy.”


What is CircuLite? Ash from industrial processes or energy generation is typically recycled into low-value materials for asphalt or soil improvement, or simply discarded into landfills. This requires expensive long-distance transportation. AC Biode is changing that with several new projects in planning that provide a circular, cheaper and more environmentally friendly solution. The ash will be upcycled, on-site, just where it is produced.

Ash has been used for centuries. So what is new about this?

AC Biode has worked with Sion Corp to develop new technologies that upcycle ash into multi-functional chemical composites. They are required in industry for covid 19 masks, filters, beauty products, soil improvements, water treatment, paint, and more.

Mr. Kunzmann is most excited about the recent laboratory tests that show surprising effectiveness of CircuLite with carbon capture. His lifecycle analysis shows that a small plant could capture CO2 that would make up for 47.000kg supermarket beef every year. He adds: “This has the potential to transform polluting industries. Imagine we can use the combustion waste to capture the CO2 right before it is release into the atmosphere.”

”With this white powder, we are making the dream of a circular future come true. For example, we have just been awarded a contract with Mondi AG in Austria. They produce paper and a lot of ash. With EU funding, we are starting to recycle their ash.”

CircuLite has applications like activated carbon or natural zeolite, but it is 5x cheaper to produce. On top of that it can adsorb a larger variety of harmful substances, due to it´s ion-exchange structure. It is the first in the world to do so.

“CircuLite is transforming industries from linear to circular.” concludes Mr. Kunzmann “Your organization can do the same. Let´s make use of the buzz around the circular economy!”

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