Sandrine Périot will strengthen the anti-money laundering service offering of Arendt Regulatory & Consulting

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Arendt is pleased to welcome Sandrine Périot as a new Partner at Arendt Regulatory & Consulting. Her arrival furthers Arendt’s strategy of strengthening its advisory activities and developing the firm’s service offering around the fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT).

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24/01/2022 | Personnalités
  • sandrine periot arendt

Sandrine will build upon Arendt’s recognised reputation and legal and regulatory expertise to expand and strengthen our existing services and solutions in the prevention and detection of money laundering and terrorist financing concerns and risks, as well as in the implementation of corrective and responsive measures.

Sandrine’s broad experience extends from reviewing and designing an AML/CFT framework and helping clients implement a risk and assessment-based approach, to assisting with preparations for on-site inspections, to operational assistance, through to the definition and implementation of mitigation programmes and the performance of large-scale remediation exercises.

Sandrine acquired her considerable knowledge and expertise over 25 years spent with the Consulting team of a Big Four firm in Luxembourg, where she was a Partner advising clients in the banking, asset management and insurance sectors.

Sandrine’s experience is a valuable asset for Arendt and would greatly strengthen this fundamental aspect of any financial activity. It is a priority for us to practice good assessment and prevention to protect our clients against any adverse use of their investments or transactions,” explained Managing Partner Jean-Marc Ueberecken.

I am delighted to be joining Arendt. At a time in which AML/CFT pressures and regulatory scrutiny at the national and international levels continue to grow, with ever more complex global regulations, failure to comply can lead to costly reputational damage and fines for our clients. By combining legal, regulatory and advisory expertise in our service offering, Arendt is clearly setting itself apart from the rest of the market, to properly respond to the needs of our clients.” said Sandrine Périot.


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