New shop window showcases team, partners and work with clients: e-Comas has a brand new website


e-Comas – eCommerce Made Simple has a brand new website, a fresh and exciting shop window for its huge range of eCommerce services.

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  • We-are-live

    e-Comas’s mobile-friendly website uses lots of imagery of the international team

Still at, the way it looks and works has changed, so it's easier than ever to find out exactly how the e-Comas team of eCommerce experts can help you, and see examples of what they do.

Showcasing clients

e-Comas bases all its work with clients on its 'four pillars of eCommerce': Strategy, Operations, Conversion and Traffic.

The website is based on these too, meaning you can navigate easily through its services, including consulting, operations, content, advertising, website creation and analytics. There are comprehensive details on each service, so potential customers can see exactly how e-Comas can help them.

What's more, you can now see exactly how each of e-Comas's services has worked out for clients. Each page has downloadable case studies highlighting how the agency helped a brand selling online to grow their sales or enhance their brand presence.

Showcasing partners

e-Comas works with a number of trusted partners, and the new website showcases them, too.

These fellow eCommerce experts include Profitero, Reveals, Salsify and Shopify – specialists in data analytics, payment options, content building and more.

The new e-Comas website includes pages for each one, showing how the two agencies work together, and giving customers options for how they can move forward with their eCommerce strategy.

Showcasing the team

e-Comas has also taken the opportunity to shine a light on its team of eCommerce experts.

Professional photos and video allow customers new and old to get a feel for what working with the agency, which deals with Amazon, Shopify, eBay, CDiscount, VeePee and many more, is like.

Sharing expertise

e-Comas puts out hundreds of hours of in-depth insight and top tips online for free, in the form of webinars, videos, blogs and podcasts. For the first time, these are all available in one place - on the website, in the 'resources' tab.

Jérôme de Guigné, CEO of e-Comas, says: “We are extremely proud to be launching this good-looking, streamlined new website. It's testament to our team's hard work, so it's great to see their faces all over it.

“As an eCommerce agency we know the critical importance of having a beautiful shop window online. We're certain it's going to help us drive up our business, but it's also going to help customers old and new, thanks to the wealth of useful eCommerce knowledge and case studies we've made available for free.”

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