Deloitte Luxembourg accelerates its growth rate

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Leading professional services firm reports gross revenue of €380 million for FY2021 in its annual Impact Report, citing talent, sustainability, and digitalization as key drivers.

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14/12/2021 |
  • Group picture Deloitte Luxembourg

    Francesca Messini, Sustainability Leader, Bernard David, Tax Leader, Patrick Laurent, Advisory & Consulting Leader, John Psaila, CEO and Managing Partner, Christiane Chadoeuf, Audit & Assurance Leader and Pierre Masset, Operations Leader. Photo: Deloitte Luxembourg

Deloitte Luxembourg has announced an overall growth rate of 7.5% in gross revenue from continuing operations for the financial year ending 31 May 2021, representing €380 million. Evidence of the firm’s successful multidisciplinary model, all three business lines actively contributed to the result with Audit & Assurance up by 7.0%, Advisory & Consulting by 10.0%, and Tax by 4.6%.

Multifaceted approach continues to thrive

Deloitte Luxembourg continues to deliver consistent, high-quality offerings to all clients, leveraging on investments in technology and talent to retain its position as a key market player.

“Deloitte’s distinctive multidisciplinary model was once again a key component to securing this year’s excellent growth. With our balanced practices, our firm is well-equipped to respond to uncertainty with confidence. It allows for enhanced services to our clients by offering a transversal approach to their needs and builds cross-firm expertise that is essential to fully grasp complex environments and deliver quality advice,” explains John Psaila, CEO and Managing Partner of Deloitte Luxembourg.

Unceasing investment in talent

Deloitte Luxembourg recognizes the value and importance of its workforce, continuously investing in new and existing talent. As reflected in the 2021 Impact Report, the firm is equally committed to the upskilling and ongoing education of its talent as it is to their mental health and wellbeing. While employees are, on average, offered 37 hours of further training per year, the Impact Report also outlined the provision of over 470 wellbeing sessions, three additional vacation days, and the launch of its Future of Work model.

Concurrently, the firm has been assertively recruiting new talent to not only keep up with demand from an ever-growing business, but further demonstrating the firm’s mission to invest in the future and build a sustainable workforce.

“Our success is the result of our talents’ perseverance during a challenging year for all market players,” continues John Psaila. “While we set ambitious objectives for our firm, we are convinced that they can only be attained by a sustained emphasis on our people, by empowering them to build fulfilling careers and continuously strengthen their capacity to deliver excellence and succeed as a team.”

This commitment is reflected in its Deloitte University EMEA flagship project – a state-of-the-art training facility currently being built in France and that will be at the core of the firm’s talent strategy, fostering the emergence of its future leaders and synergies within its network. 

A sustainable future

For the first time, Deloitte Luxembourg’s 2021 financial results were presented within its annual Impact Report. This purpose-driven approach exemplifies a major shift in how the firm views performance and how it intends to bring about positive change that goes beyond profit.

“Today, it is clear that companies have to go beyond financial results and be transparent on the broader impact they have on the societies they live in and the planet in general. With this third edition of our Impact Report, we go one step further in making this ambition a reality and share both the actions that have been taken and the objectives that we have set for ourselves, towards our people, and with our clients.” comments Francesca Messini, Partner and Sustainability Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg.

Making a positive impact on the environment and society at large is a cornerstone of Deloitte Luxembourg’s commitment to a sustainable future. In FY2021, the firm stepped-up its contribution to Deloitte’s WorldImpact initiative. This includes on-going support of Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, an organization that encourages and prepares young people to innovate and foster entrepreneurship, collective actions to raise funds in favor of various local associations, and the participation in The Climate Fresk, a series of collaborative workshops empowering Deloitte employees to take concrete action to tackle climate change.

The complete and interactive edition of the 2021 Impact Report by Deloitte Luxembourg can be explored here:  

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