Luxair supports the resolutions of IATA (International Air Transport Association)

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Luxair supports the promise of "Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050" and the request for "implementation of simplified regimes to manage risks related to Covid-19, as borders re-open to international travel", submitted by IATA.

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11/10/2021 |
  • Luxair

Meeting in Boston on 4 October 2021, where the Annual General Meeting of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) was held, the international airlines, including Luxair, represented by its CEO, Gilles Feith, set new common objectives, including the increase in environmental commitments and the request for the easing of restrictions linked to Covid-19.

Luxair shows its support for the decisions taken following the IATA Annual General Meeting by committing itself to ensure sustainable flights by 2050. This presents a real challenge that Luxair is ready to face by gradually reducing its CO2 emissions.
Social and environmental responsibility is a major tenet of Luxair's entrepreneurial vision. Conscious of the impact of its activities on the environment, the reduction of nuisances remains a crucial element of every one of Luxair’s decisions and investments. Continuous efforts are made on a daily basis, allowing the company to operate in the most responsible, sustainable and efficient manner. A work team is activated internally at Luxair in order to define the action plan towards this objective.

While the demand for escape is real, it is clear that customers are frustrated because of the restrictions linked to Covid-19, which differ from one country to another among the destinations served by Luxair and LuxairTours. This is why Luxair is once again joining forces with IATA to urge the respective governments to implement regimes to manage the risks of Covid-19 as the borders re-open to international travel. Notably, easing of restrictions related to Covid-19. Travel restrictions are a complex set of rules with very little consistency across countries. Aware that full harmonization is implausible, Luxair and IATA call for the implementation of certain simple good practices, such as: making vaccines available to everyone as quickly as possible; removing barriers for vaccinated travelers; permission for those tested, who do not have access to vaccines, to travel without quarantine; government funding for testing so that it is not an economic barrier to travel.

"We must learn to live with this virus, it is the only solution that will allow us to regain a minimum of normality in our daily lives", underlines Gilles Feith, Luxair CEO, who reminds us of the importance of vaccination and asks to allow those who wish to be able to remove the mask on the plane, as all travelers are subject to the CovidCheck regime, as is already the case in restaurants and leisure places.

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