Advanzia Bank and ANDANDO Real Estate sign long-term lease contract for climate-neutral headquarters for Advanzia in Luxembourg

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European digital bank Advanzia has signed a lease agreement with ANDANDO Real Estate for the construction of a brand new and ecological office building in Munsbach, Luxembourg. The “EMERALD Building” will be constructed and operated in a climate-neutral way and is scheduled to be ready by mid-2023. The 4,265 square metre building will use sustainable, efficient and green building technologies and materials, and will be certified with the green label certificate “Excellent” according to BREEAM, one of the world’s leading sustainability assessment methods.

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11/10/2021 |
  • EmeraldBuildingAdvanziaAndandoRendering-20211011

Advanzia CEO Roland Ludwig comments: “As a Luxembourgish bank, we are committed to strengthening our corporate office locally and creating a central location for our growing workforce. By using natural materials, the new building will offer our staff a welcoming, pleasant and environmentally friendly working environment. We are proud of our contribution to ecologic sustainability by choosing a fully climate-neutral concept.”

The EMERALD Building will be built using certified wood and pollutant-free materials. A highly efficient heating, cooling and ventilation system, photovoltaic installations, rainwater usage, sun protection and light control will minimise the building’s carbon footprint. EMERALD will have a centralised monitoring and controlling system to collect and analyse consumption data and ensure efficient and green consumption of energy throughout the building’s lifecycle.

Tobias Theis, Managing Partner at ANDANDO Real Estate, adds: “Compliance with the strict requirements for a climate-neutral construction and operation, as well as the aspired certification will make the new Advanzia headquarters one of the most advanced office buildings in Luxembourg and the Greater Region when it comes to sustainable and climate-neutral building construction and operation. We are very proud to partner with Advanzia and to provide them with a state-of-the-art building and a great new home for their employees.”

The EMERALD Building will be the exclusive home to Advanzia Bank and its employees and is located at a short distance from the bank’s current location at rue Gabriel Lippmann in Munsbach, Luxembourg.

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