G-Core Labs has launched 3 new points of CDN presence in CIS countries and reaffirmed its leadership in content delivery rate in the region


G-Core Labs, the international cloud and edge solution provider, continues to expand its content delivery network infrastructure in Russia and CIS countries. The company opened new CDN points in the capitals of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Yerevan and Baku, and launched an extra CDN cluster in Kazan. G-Core Labs’ solution offers the fastest content delivery in the CIS market, according to Citrix, an independent CDN productivity monitoring analytical system.

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23/09/2021 |
  • Sam Davis vice-president of products of G-Core Labs (002)

    Sam Davis, vice-president of products of G-Core Labs

“In 2021, we bolstered our CIS infrastructure. The launch of three new locations allowed us to set new content delivery rate records in the region among local and international providers. Minimizing delays with CDN propels online business development, especially in areas requiring peak speed under high loads. The fast content delivery is essentially important for any online business. Speeding up the website fuels conversion and preloading the content relieves the client’s own infrastructure,” says Sam Davis, Vice president of products at G-Core Labs.

The company’s leadership by content delivery rate in Russia comes from the launch of the 19th CDN node. A new point of presence has been launched in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. After the launch of a new location, the average response time is decreased to 15 ms, according to independent analytical system Citrix.

Starting this year, the global network of G-Core Labs also spans Armenia. The company launched a CDN location in its capital, Yerevan. The data center allows the company to deliver content with delays of about 5 ms, which is 5 times faster than the network of the fastest competitors.

This year, G-Core Labs also launched its first location in Azerbaijan. The point of presence in Baku is already showing good results — the average response time is a record of 25 ms for the region.

The company’s global CDN supports all necessary protocols: HTTP/2, IPv6, TLS 1.3, HLS and provides system tuning agility, including advanced caching options. A redirect to HTTPS, flexible access policies, free Let’s Encrypt certificates and access by key options are at the very core of the content security.

The company’s CDN accounts for 120+ points of presence in over 100 cities worldwide. The global network architecture is designed by high-load system experts and can easily withstand website traffic surges. The overall network capacity exceeds 75+ Tbps.

G-Core Labs continues to launch protected data centers in CIS countries — the company’s short-term plans include the launch of a location in Uzbekistan. Also, the company continues to expand networking capacities in existing locations to offer its clients a competitive advantage in the content delivery rate all over the world.

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