G-Core Labs strengthens its CDN network in Europe and North America by launching PoPs in Romania and Canada


G-Core Labs, an international cloud and edge solution provider, has strengthened its European and North American content delivery network. The company has launched new CDN points of presence in the Romanian capital of Bucharest and in the Canadian economic hub of Toronto. According to the Citrix independent analytics system, the CDN response time in the new locations makes up 7-30 ms.

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28/07/2021 |
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The company is successfully developing its European CDN infrastructure. It has launched a new CDN node in Bucharest allowing its clients to deliver content to 14 million users in Romania at a record speed: the average response time makes up 7 ms. For G-Core Labs, Europe remains one of the priority regions: in the near future the company is going to increase its network capacity in United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and Serbia.

The CDN provider has launched another point of presence in Canada. “We’ve planned to spread our infrastructure to the North American continent in 2021 and have recently launched a point of presence in Toronto. We pay special attention to Canada because it has a population of 37 million people with 35 million users browsing the internet regularly. This makes up 94% of the country’s entire population. The Canadian media and entertainment market is developing rapidly, people practice online shopping and learn online, watch movies, live broadcasts, play videogames. In all these cases, it is vitally important to have a fast content delivery network allowing users to have high-capacity video content delivered to them in a milliseconds,” said Sam Davis, Vice President of Products at G-Core Labs.

The G-Core Labs CDN supports all the necessary protocols including HTTP/2, SSL, and IPv6 and provides flexible settings opportunities. These involve API access, heavy content preload, complete or selective cache clearing, adjusting cache settings, specifying cache expiration time, cache delivery, inheriting caching parameters, ignoring query string parameters, and cookies.

The G-Core Labs CDN global architecture embraces 5 continents. It was created by experts in high load systems. The company’s global architecture involves over 100 points of presence located in more than 100 cities all over the world. G-Core Labs has over 6,000 peering partners, and its total network capacity exceeds 50 Tbit/s.

In Q3 and Q4 2021, G-Core Labs is going to continue increasing its CDN server capacity. In the near future, the company is planning to launch new points of presence in Yemen, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt and to enhance its performance in Latin America.

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