Tripartite Agreement

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The Management of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social & Solidarity Economy, the Ministry of the Economy and the employees’ representatives have reached an agreement on the reorganization project for ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg

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25/01/2021 |
  • AM

All parties involved have signed today a Tripartite Agreement on the reorganization project for ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg, which was announced by its management on September 10, 2020.

After agreeing with ArcelorMittal’s initial definition of the issue, concerning the complex economic challenges that the European and Luxembourgish steel industry are facing, the different representatives have engaged in constructive discussions to align on the measures and investments necessary to restore the competitiveness of the activities of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg, but also on the different supporting social measures to help the people affected by this reorganization.

ArcelorMittal Luxembourg has committed to make targeted investments in its industrial Luxembourgish activities and confirmed its intention to maintain its headquarters and global governance activities in Luxembourg. A minimum investment of 165 million euros is scheduled over the 2021-2025 period for the development of several projects on the sites of Belval, Differdange, Rodange and Bissen. Investment includes to redeploy some of the Dommeldange workshop activities closer to the plants for which it currently works.

The impact of this project is around 536 people. The agreement concluded today foresees the opening of a pre-retirement adjustment scheme, for which 237 are eligible; this scheme will be added to the pre-retirement schemes provided by law. Structural unemployment will be used for the approximately 280 people who will lose their job as a result of the reorganization. These social tools, already used in the past, have proved their efficiency to help with structural overstaffing situation.

Roland Bastian, General Manager of ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg, declared: “All those involved in the agreement that we have signed, have conducted the negotiations with a deep sense of responsibility to find constructive and workable solutions for the difficult current situation. Our long history of steelmaking in Luxembourg, and our desire to write its future, came out stronger today.”

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