Victor Buck Services is celebrating 20 years at the service of businesses

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2020, which marks the 20th anniversary of Victor Buck Services, has also been marked by crises, which  the company has managed with serenity, continuing to assert its values and demonstrate its ability to meet its customers’ current and future needs. A trusted partner for customers undergoing their digital transition, Victor Buck Services is optimising the efficiency and security of its administrative processes,  positioning itself to offer expertise in managing the whole lifecycle of information and communication  within businesses. Con?dent in the opportunities that the future offers in a world in perpetual motion, Victor Buck Services is ahead of the curve, investing more than ever in innovation and sustainability.

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26/10/2020 |
  • Edith MagyaricsVictor Buck Services (002)

    Edith Magyarics, CEO of Victor Buck Services

Victor Buck Services, a subsidiary of POST Luxembourg Group, has changed considerably since it was founded in 2000: the company now employs over 220 people, and the services in its portfolio have evolved and diversi?ed over the years. Victor Buck Services has three areas of expertise:

  • Customer Communication Management for the whole process of information exchange between  companies and their customers, through a range of channels (post, email and secure Web portals)
  • Content Services for managing the entire lifecycle of information, from initial publication to storage and statutory archiving
  • Document Outsourcing Services enabling companies to free up internal resources and focus on their core business

Victor Buck Services offers its customers a full value chain solution, designed to optimise the management of their commercial data over multiple real-world and digital channels. “We offer security, and control the dissemination and accessibility of data. We strive to create long-term value for our customers, by constantly improving our understanding of their business environment and their strengths”, stresses Arnaud Wulgaert, COO of Victor Buck Services.

Its expertise in outsourced processes puts Victor Buck Services in a position to meet the toughest of requirements, by offering effective, secure and scalable operational support, no matter how complex the challenges posed by distribution channels, languages or geographical area. Secure Web apps provide core services for use 24/7 by its customers all over the world. 

Victor Buck Services has ISO 27001 certi?cation and PSF accreditation ( Professionnels du Secteur Finan- cier – the Luxembourg scheme ensuring secure and con?dential data processing in the ?nancial sector). Victor Buck Services customers include large companies in the ?nancial sector, mainly investment funds; public utilities; telecommunications providers; insurance companies; and major organisations in the public and private sectors, in particular healthcare providers. The company’s operations are directed from its Luxembourg head office and its Singapore subsidiary, but it also works with service providers in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

Building on its success and its proven strategy, Victor Buck Services is now continuing to demonstrate its commitment to yet more innovation and improvement in its processes, in order to proactively respond to market developments. One example of this is the 2019 acquisition of Docunify IP Company, a Luxembourg start-up, which won the 2018 FEDIL Innovation Award. With Docunify, it is possible to  create, manage, sign and share documents in a secure online space. This has enabled Victor Buck Services to break into insourcing.

Victor Buck Services is also innovating in the ?eld of printed electronics, with the development of cutting- edge technology that enables the printing of circuits boasting RFID or NFC chips on recyclable paper. Based on recyclable materials and produced using a low-waste procedure, this made in Luxembourg environmentally friendly technology very much forms part of the company’s CSR initiative.
In an ever-changing world that grows more digitalised by the day, Victor Buck Services is drawing on its agility, its integrity and its excellence to satisfy its customers and so continue its expansion. “Our aim is to preempt our partners’ requests and anticipate their future needs, so that we can offer them the best possible service quality in very short timescales”, explains Edith Magyarics, CEO of Victor Buck Services. In addition, thanks to the company’s cutting-edge technology and governance, expertise and 24/7 customer service, Victor Buck Services customers enjoy the same high standards of quality and security, wherever they are in the world.

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