BCE and FEI keep the entertainment going for equestrian fans

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The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted live sport content but the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) continues to provide coverage of past events and special equestrian features with support from BCE.

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15/05/2020 |
  • FEI replay 12052020b (002)

Prior to the pandemic, BCE had been working with the FEI on archiving broadcast footage with the aim of making the content management system available to FEI partners for content re-purposing. The company looked after the digitising, safeguarding and archiving of the FEI’s competition broadcast content, ingesting its live production and providing worldwide live streaming services to fans around the world.

The FEI and their partners can now use BCE’s system to produce new content forms from the archive platform, which allows the FEI to create programmes and distribute streaming feeds to multiple digital platforms such as FEI.tv, Facebook and YouTube.

“It was important for the FEI to continue engaging with our worldwide fan base,” FEI Commercial Director Ralph Straus said.

“The BCE services have allowed us to share the best of our sport with our community and their broadcast infrastructure makes it easy and efficient to select our desired content, build new programmes and schedule replays on our channel and social networks.”

This week, the FEI will broadcast two replays through the BCE’s Broadcast Centre allowing viewers the opportunity to relive the excitement of equestrian competition.  More than 16 programmes are scheduled over the next two months.

“Video viewing time has increased due to confinement regulations,” Frederic Fievez, BCE Project Development Director noted.

“As a broadcaster it is our duty to support content providers like the FEI with the infrastructure needed by the market. We are proud to be working with the Federation and providing content to all their passionate equestrian fans.”

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