VNX Exchange - Luxembourg based asset backed token issuance platform scales operations and launches a new offering of digital assets

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VNX Exchange,  a Luxembourg asset backed token issuance platform, announces a new offering - the syndication of an investment round into, one of the fastest growing e-commerce platforms in the Middle East, by a Luxembourg VC fund 

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12/03/2020 |
  • Alexander Tkachenko CEO VNX Exchange (002)

    Alexander Tkachenko, CEO, VNX Exchange

This USD 2.5 million offering on VNX, is a part of the USD 7.5 million new funding round of Sprii. As a part of the round, Luxembourg-based VC fund, a long-standing investor of Sprii, subscribes to the convertible notes issued as a part of the new financing round and offers financial investors an opportunity to join the investment through VNX platform. 
“We help lead investors to syndicate deals on the platform, increasing the amount of money they deploy in the deal. Financial investors on the other hand have access to unique deal flow of professional investors” - said Alexander Tkachenko, CEO and founder, VNX Exchange.  
Sprii is an award-winning online shopping platform for mums & kids products operating in the Middle East and founded by exceptional female entrepreneur, Sarah Jones, in Dubai in 2014. The company offers more than 90,000 authentic products from over 3,000 global brands for its 1 million loyal customers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.  
Sprii has successfully raised over USD 14 million in previous funding rounds. The new funding will be used to further expand its operations to Bahrain, Oman and Qatar.  
“We are excited that has joined the latest round of Sprii and it’s great to see the emergence of new investment platforms making it easier for investors to participate in the funding of high growth startups around the world” - said Sarah Jones, Founder & CEO of Sprii. 
VNX is one of the few working European blockchain based FinTech platforms. Launched in November 2019, the company allows issuance of digital assets (a token issued and recorded on blockchain) backed by income deriving from equity and debt based instruments.   
“Blockchain technology and smart contracts have the power to transform financial markets. It provides a new level of transparency and process automation and in our case helps connect investors with investment opportunities around the globe 24/7” - said Vadim Anchugov, COO of VNX Exchange.  
VNX Exchange is an end-to-end platform which allows lead investors to syndicate deals. The platform provides investors with access to deal flow and company related information and allows them to tag along expertise and due diligence work of professional lead investors. VNX takes care of the investors’ onboarding with the built-in digital KYC/AML procedure and features a user-friendly process of digital asset offerings. 
“With scaling its operations, VNX demonstrates the new working model, which is not competing, but complementing traditional VCs with a new effective tool to attract additional capital for emerging high potential companies,” – commented Michael Jackson, former partner at Mangrove Capital and former COO, Skype. “It’s the case where blockchain serves as a technological solution to create digital assets, which is an easier alternative instrument to invest in and paving the way for a new financial future.” 

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