NRJ Belgique goes visual with BCE’s StudioTalk

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NRJ Belgique recently started to video broadcast its radio shows. To do so the leading Belgium radio station selected StudioTalk, the visual radio solution from Broadcasting Center Europe (BCE).

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04/12/2019 |
  • StudioTalk-NRJ Belgique-4 (002)

Part of NGroup, the leading French speaking radio group in Belgium, NRJ Belgique is a private Belgian radio station broadcasting in Wallonia and Brussels.

Following the multimedia development of its activities, NRJ Belgique decided to upgrade its studio with a visual radio solution, allowing the broadcast of its radio shows.

The radio station wasn’t looking for a simple multicamera solution, they were looking for a solution to ensure the automatic camera production, manage the studio branding, integrate the branding of the station in both the branding screens of the studio and the final channel broadcast and of course distribute the feeds to the web.

StudioTalk was the perfect match for NRJ Belgique. As a matter of fact, BCE’s all-in-one solution can produce, and record shows seamlessly in automatic or manual mode. All the cameras, the sets and the feeds are controlled from one single touchscreen. The management of the content as well as the branding and effects are centralized within the same interface and the distribution can be easily triggered to any streaming platform or social network.

“Our solution is quite unique, as it give to radio stations the best of both worlds, on one hand it is a powerful video production and distribution solution and on the other hand it matches perfectly the so called radio environment, allowing NRJ Belgique to use the solution with almost no learning curve” concludes Olivier Waty, Technology and Project Director at BCE.

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