Solidarity is not an empty word at ING Luxembourg

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On Wednesday 21 November, 23 non-profit organisations stepped on stage to be awarded prizes for the 8th edition of the ING Solidarity Awards.

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21/11/2019 |
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Empowering the Luxembourg non-profit scene

As every year, ING's objective is to support and promote the Luxembourg non-profit sector, which often still lacks the funds and resources to achieve its objectives, despite the remarkable work they are carrying out.

Simplifying the contest 

The contest, which in previous years included an online vote, has now been simplified. This year, a jury of 7 people determined the most convincing projects in the following three categories. 

“Humanitarian aid”: humanitarian projects aimed at improving people’s quality of life or ensuring that human rights are respected;

“Integration”: projects intended to promote adaptation, inclusion or the promotion of social links between individuals;

“Other”: any project for the benefit of others in areas other than humanitarian aid or integration. 

23 organisations in total came on stage and were handed prizes of 1,000, 2,000 or even 4,000 euros.

List of winners in each category: 

Category « Humanitarian aid »

Volunteer-run non-profit organisation: 

  • Aide au Vietnam
  • Foundation for Dev. Aid ACP-EEC (Emda) Asbl. 
  • Eng Bréck mat Lateinamerika

Non-profit organisation with at least one employee: 

  • Pharmaciens sans frontières Luxembourg
  • Aide à l'Enfance de l'Inde et du Népal (AEIN)
  • JUDDU Luxembourg 


Category « Integration »

Volunteer-run non-profit organization: 

  • Equiclic asbl
  • Rokku Mi Rokka asbl 
  • Life Project 4 Youth

Non-profit organisation with at least one employee: 

  • Touchpoints asbl
  • Groupe Tricentenaire
  • Stëmm vun der Strooss asbl
  • Category « Other » :

Volunteer-run non-profit organization : 

  • Fondation EME
  • asbl 
  • GML ( Gesellschaft fir Musiktherapie zu Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. )

Non-profit organisation with at least one employee: 

  • Fondation Kannerschlass
  • Trisomie21 Lëtzebuerg asbl
  • Association Thérapie Equestre

Honorable mentions also go to: 

Coup de Coeur (the jury’s choice of projects deserving of a helping hand) 

  • Cohabitage
  • Île aux Clowns asbl

Coup de pouce (the jury’s crush) 

  • Nyki
  • ALUPSE asbl

The jury of 7 people is composed of people both from within and without ING. Together they determined the most convincing projects both in terms of value, impact and method of implementation.

Jury members of the ING Solidarity Awards 2019:

  • Christiane Sietzen, cultural coordinator, Luxembourg- City
  • François Masquelier, Head of Treasury, Corporate Finance and Entreprise Risk Management chez RTL Group
  • Isabelle Lentz, Field Manager Horeca chez Munhowen S.A.
  • Petra Penders, Project Manager at Fondation de Luxembourg
  • Elodie Ruche, Sustainable Finance at ING Luxembourg
  • Max Friederes, Companies Advisor at ING Luxembourg
  • Patrick Chillet, Head of Corporate Audit Services at ING Luxembourg

Frédéric Kieffer, member of the Executive Committee of ING: “I am proud of the support that we at ING offer these non-profit organisations who work tirelessly for the common good and who now see their efforts rewarded!”

Congratulations to all!

For more information, please go to ING Luxembourg’s website:

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