East-West United Bank helps kids to learn about space


With the support of East-West United Bank, Kalinka Russian School launches a new joint Russia-Luxembourg educational project “Space Together”.

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18/11/2019 |
  • space (002)

“Space Together” is a student exchange project between Russia and Luxembourg, which main objectives are development of youth international cooperation, educational activities in the field of space exploration and space events modelling, career guidance aimed at choosing a space related profession for students.

The project includes lectures by famous Russian and Luxembourgish scientists, joint online and offline conferences, seminars and forums, visiting museums, research centres and other organisations related to space and modern technologies. Following the learning by doing approach, the students will be working on their own projects under the guidance of the experienced mentors.

A feature of the project is the regular exchange of students between Luxembourg – the country that considers space exploration as a major state priority, and Russia – the country with vast experience and scientific knowledge in space industry.

The project is implemented with participation of The Ministry of Education of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Space Agency, Lycée technique des Arts et Métiers.

Kalinka Russian School is the organizer of the project. East-West United Bank contributes financially and intellectually to bring the best resources to the project to make it a life changing experience for the participants.

The project started on November 16 with an open lecture ‘Space - look, learn, admire’ by  Natalia Parfentieva (professor of physics, author of more than 200 scientific and popular-science articles, 26 books on physics) in Luxembourg at Russian School Kalinka.

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