LOIC’s fourth “Innovation Dating” brings corporates and Human-Centered Design solution providers together


Following past editions on Artificial Intelligence (2017 and 2018) and Smart Cities (2018), LOIC Members selected Human-Centered Design as theme for its fourth Innovation Dating.

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18/10/2019 |
  • LOIC - Inn Dating 01 (002)

The event, which took place at Foyer’s headquarters, was also a perfect opportunity to not only showcase Human-Centered Design solutions and processes, but also tackle different aspects of this theme such as user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and their impact on technology and digital transformation.

Seven Human-Centered Design solution providers were carefully selected by LOIC’s steering committee following a call for applications. Art Square Lab (Luxembourg), Ergosign (Germany), nosoft (France), Smile (Luxembourg), swipe (Luxembourg), weloop (France) and World of Digits (Luxembourg) pitched in front of 90 attendees, UX experts and major corporates.

Along with startup presentations, the event also included an opening keynote from Stéphanie Walter, Lead UX Designer as well as a roundtable with LOIC Members’ UX experts. The panel featured: Mehdi Bargache (Head of Data Science at ArcelorMittal), Laure Leduc (UX-UI Designer at Wort), Aurélien Mellé (Lead UX at BIL), Stéphanie Walter (Lead UX Designer at Luxair), and Fabian Burtard (Solution Architect at EIB). The roundtable focused on the Luxembourg market’s maturity level in terms of User Experience or User Interface. Interactions demonstrated that while every corporate has its approach, the common challenge for every UX-UI leader is to make the rest of the company understand the importance of including UX-UI processes at the beginning of each project.

Organized by the LOIC, the yearly Innovation Dating event represents one of the club’s most important events. “Our Innovation Dating event seems to get bigger each year. I think this is also a demonstration of the LOIC’s momentum swing coming from its members and our partners. Our membership is growing, fueling LOIC’s initiatives and thus demonstrating vividly how well-connected Luxembourg’s corporates want to be to innovation.” says Emilie Bechet, Corporate Innovation Manager at LOIC.

The fourth edition of Innovation Dating has been organized in close collaboration with Foyer, who sponsored and hosted the event. “Human-Centered Design being an essential part of our mindset and our processes here at Foyer, we have recently been working on the Foyer Design System (www.design.foyer.lu) and API to improve team efficiency and Design Culture.
Therefore, as a LOIC member, it felt natural for us to get involved in this project. Every type of company can benefit from Human-Centered Design and we are glad to help spreading out the potential of this discipline among LOIC Members.” concludes Remy Els, Chief Information Officer at Foyer.

The fifth edition of LOIC’s Innovation Dating will take place in Fall 2020.

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