SGG Group CEO Serge Krancenblum voted European Personality of the Year by Funds Europe


Serge Krancenblum, Group CEO of leading investor services firm SGG Group, has been voted as the European Personality of the Year at the Funds Europe Awards, held on 1 November 2018 at the Tower of London.

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05/11/2018 |
  • Picture Serge Krancenblum

The Funds Europe Awards, now in their fourteenth year, set out to recognise personal and company achievements and contributions within the European funds community and to credit publicly those who have advanced the cross-border agenda in the funds industry.

Commenting on his award, Serge Krancenblum said:

“I am pleased and honoured to accept this award and to join the prestigious list of past recipients. A very special thanks to the members of the judging panel and Funds Europe who have selected me.

“I founded SGG Group with a partner 20 years ago and I am so proud of what the company has achieved. We are one of the main consolidators of the market and the firm is among the four leading global investor services firms thanks to our strong organic growth and ambitious buy-and-build strategy.

“One of my main passions has always been to leave as a legacy a sustainable global firm that creates value and has a positive impact on the community. At SGG, we have been able to implement a number of initiatives such as our collaboration with Epic Foundation, where we are helping charities that support the education of underprivileged children, and the creation of the SGG Crossroads conference, which is a thought provoking platform to question the impact of the financial industry. I am privileged to have a great team around me to help me deliver upon my ambitions to make an even greater impact in the future, and I would like to share this award with them.”

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