Digital technologies addressing societal issues

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Organised by InTech, the "Lux4Good" hackathon has been held in Luxembourg for the first time. It attracted over 30 participants, who worked on projects with a social, societal or environmental impact. The event was held in the presence of Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess and Minister Nicolas Schmit.

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22/10/2018 |
  • Post

An IT hackathon brings together volunteer and avid IT developers, who work together for just a few hours and put forward an application or solution in order to solve a specific problem.

Several hackathons have already taken place in Luxembourg. However, this was the first event that aimed to serve public interest. This first Lux4Good hackathon was held at the Technoport in Esch-Belval on 12 and 13 October. It was organised by InTech, an IT consulting and expert company, subsidiary of POST Luxembourg.

Fourteen projects were submitted by Luxembourgish organisations (institutions and start-up associations) in fields such as responsible finance, collaborative economy or diversity. The six teams participating each had to select one of these projects; they opted for those backed by APEMH, CSSF, Equilibre - My Pledge, Food4All, IMS and OpenVillage. The hackathon resulted in the development of a prototype web and mobile application to solve the issue at hand.

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