European Fund Administration implements new Client Lifecycle and Service Delivery Management department

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European Fund Administration (EFA) is pleased to announce that Claudio Bonfanti has been appointed as Head of Client Lifecycle and Service Delivery Management, reporting to CEO Noel Fessey

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02/07/2018 | Personnalités
  • cbonfanti

Claudio joins from Kneip, where he was Head of Key Account Management. Prior to Kneip, Claudio worked for Schroders in Luxembourg for 19 years in various roles including Head of Dealing, Head of Client Support Management and Head of Distribution Network Support.

Noel Fessey says: "Claudio will ensure that as we grow we remain one firm in the service of our clients, taking care of their increasingly sophisticated needs and giving them the confidence to focus on their core value creation activities."

Claudio adds: "I am looking forward to helping EFA develop its client lifecycle and service delivery processes, and to leading EFA's introduction of next-generation client management technology. I'm also particularly looking forward to working with EFA's agile client on-boarding methodology, which puts every new client at the centre of a sequence of expert high-tempo on-boarding sprints."

Claudio Bonfanti has 20 years’ experience in financial services in Luxembourg. Throughout his career he specialised in various client support services.

Claudio was Head of Key Account Management at Kneip Communications S.A. Before that he worked at Schroders Luxembourg, originally in transfer agency dealing and then leading the Client Support Management team. Later, he led the Distribution Network Support team, managing all aspects of third party fund distribution. He started his career at Generali Belgium.

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