LuxTrust enables the first e-signing of an EU legislative act

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On Wednesday 25 October, EP President Antonio Tajani and Matti Maasikas, of the Estonian Presidency of the Council, signed electronically the first EU legislative act, legally-binding texts of the revised regulation on "Security of gas supply”

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27/10/2017 |
  • LT products

European Parliament President Antonio Tajani was equipped with a LuxTrust smartcard, enabling him to produce a qualified e-signature, the only signature having the equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature.

“I am happy that today we can sign such an important Regulation electronically(…) The European Parliament in its report on e-government in May this year asked the EU institutions to set an example in the area of e-government. Today we are acting on our own call. This signature is a demonstration on how digital solutions can work in practice,” said Mr Tajani.

This is an additional step in the implementation of eIDAS regulation, enabling secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities within Europe, thanks to digital trust services.

“We are extremely pleased to be part of the digital transformation of Europe and believe electronic signature will become the norm. It is a new way of acting that will speed-up business processes, improve level of service and make people save paper, time and money, while embracing security and trust. LuxTrust is committed to enabling digital identities and services throughout Europe, and it is an honor to be selected for enabling the first e-signing of EU acts” said Pascal Rogiest, CEO of LuxTrust.

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