Paperjam named Media Brand Of The Year 2016 in Belgium

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After being awarded the Special Jury Prize at the BtoB Press and Communication Awards in 2015 for all our actions in the B2B community in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Maison Moderne is once again in the Belgian spotlight this year

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07/11/2016 |
  • 2016 11 trophee BtoB award-1

The 2016 edition of the competition – the award ceremony for which was held in Brussels on Thursday, 27 October - rewarded Paperjam with the title of Best Newsbrand of The Year in the Press category.

“It is a tremendous recognition, and even though the magazine in itself is not a pure B2B player, its full ecosystem has become an indispensable communication tool for the brands and companies in Luxembourg and Belgium. We manage to reach more than 10% of the resident population with the magazine alone. It is really exceptional for an Ecofin title.” Mike Koedinger, CEO, Maison Moderne

There were 58 entries in all for this third edition of the BtoB Press & Communication Awards, organised by MM inpartnership with B2B Press and UPP.

Paperjam, an entire ecosystem rewarded
Launched in 2000 by the Maison Moderne group, Paperjam is geared to decision-makers, opinion leaders and influencers in Luxembourg. In 15 years, the title has become the country’s leading media brand for professionals – a  reference brand which keeps winning over a growing audience.

Its ecosystem is composed of a monthly theme supplement (12/year), a website and a twice-daily newsletter, sent every day at 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM to 26,000 subscribers –making it the country’s leading economy daily. Then there is the recruitment platform, the Paperjam Coffee Break, and Paperjam Guide newsletter, and of course the Paperjam Club. This business club, the biggest and most active in the country, brings together 750 companies representing 5,000 members and organises some 170 events per year – workshops and conferences, networking events, prestige galas such as the Paperjam Top 100, and the Media Awards.

As an independent publisher, Maison Moderne gives preference to a business friendly editorial line, while casting a critical glance on what is being done in Luxembourg. Its aim is to “get the country” moving, by contributing to societal change and by participating in its modernisation and international outreach.

Innovations and satisfaction
In December 2015, Paperjam proceeded to a significant overhaul of its content, by grouping its two monthly magazines into one, revamped in a new model, with new headings and monthly theme supplements. The major features traditionally contained in the second magazine have migrated to the digital version, with a dedicated online posting, separate from the rest of the site, and a whole new navigation in the form of a story. Treated in depth thanks to the participation of experts invited by the editorial board, these new digital features are further enhanced by contributions from multiple solution providers (advertisers) who have ad hoc microwebsites, completely integrated and rich in content. In parallel, new theme newsletters were created to strengthen their dissemination.

Launched in December 2015, the new formula has been the subject of a satisfaction survey: four out of five readers indicated that they prefer it to the old version. 24% of those surveyed found it “much better” and 55% “better.”

It is finally worth noting that between September 2015 and September 2016, the readership of Paperjam magazine went up by nearly 10%, i.e. 4,350 more resident readers (TNS ILRES Plurimedia study 2016). In the same period, the number of subscribers to the newsletter climbed from 22,000 to more than 26,000. The readership of the print magazine stands at 50,850 resident readers (65,000 if crossborder readers are taken into account) for a circulation of 20,000 copies.

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