Leading clients rank Dentons #2 in the world in BTI Client Service A-Team survey

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Leading global clients now rank Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, second in the world for client service according to the annual BTI Client Service A-Team survey released Tuesday

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30/11/2016 |
  • Portnoy Elliott photo

    Elliot Portnoy, Global Chief Executive Officer, Dentons

“Dentons shoots up an impressive 9 spots to land at number 2,” say the survey’s authors. “This performance includes impressive improvements in Commitment to Help, Anticipating Client’s Needs, Dealing with Unexpected Changes, and Unprompted Communications.”

The BTI Client Service A-Team report surveyed 330 leading purchasers of global legal services working at companies and organizations with revenues of US$1 billion or greater. Clients awarded Dentons the highest “Best of the Best” rating in 16 of 17 aspects of client service evaluated by the survey. Of the 295 law firms in the world that legal purchasers could rate in at least one aspect of client service, clients rated Dentons higher than any other, save one.

“Dentons was founded as a client-centric firm,” said Elliott Portnoy, Global Chief Executive Officer of Dentons. “We are client-centric in our focus. We are client-centric in our strategy. And, as today’s report demonstrates, we are client-centric in the eyes of our clients.”

“To be recognized for our service by the clients who benefit from it themselves is a significant achievement,” said Joe Andrew, Global Chairman of Dentons. “Coming on the heels of Dentons entering the list of top 10 firms that leading clients favor for work in the Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Survey, it shows that Dentons is delivering on our promise to provide superior client service around the corner and across the world.”

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