ING NEWS: ING Unseen Talent Award launches an Instagram competition

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The ING Unseen Talent Award is a joint international initiative by ING & Unseen giving photography talents from Europe a platform to present their work on a global scale.

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30/11/2016 |
  • Unseen1

Subsequent to this award, ING and Unseen will host a two-week-long (Monday 28 November – Sunday 11 December 2016) photo competition on the social media platform Instagram, inviting the public to post their own photo under the theme “Fool for love”, the theme of this year’s ING Unseen Talent Award.

Entries need to be tagged with #INGUnseenFoolForLove.

The winner will be chosen by Sanne ten Brink (Head Curator ING Collection) and Emilia van Lynden (Artistic Affairs Unseen).

The prize is a fully organized and paid trip to Unseen Photo Fair & Festival 2017 in Amsterdam for two persons.

On the official opening day of Unseen, the winner of the Instagram competition will be invited to the exclusive Award Ceremony where the winner of the ING Unseen Talent Award will be announced by an international jury.

This is a unique meet & greet with one of the finalists.

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