Luxembourg ICT awards : EBRC wins the 'Cloud Provider of the Year 2015' award

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On the 1st December 2015 at the IT ONE gala, which brings together over 900 ICT professionals, a jury of 50 CIOs rewarded EBRC - European Business Reliance Centre - with the award 'Cloud Provider of the Year 2015'

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07/12/2015 |
  • Cloud Provider of the year picture

    From left to right : M. Yves Reding, CEO EBRC, M. Nacer Mechri, OlkyPay, M. Patrice Sambou, Wega/Truxtun, M. Jean-François Hugon, EBRC Head of Marketing

Since 2007, the Luxembourg ICT Awards foster the dissemination of best practices, their emulation and recognition by the CIOs of the best partners and solutions in the market.

During this 2015 edition, the great ICT leaders in industry, finance, services, trade, transport, logistics and the public sector have awarded EBRC the price of 'Cloud Provider of the Year 2015' for the innovative nature and quality of its 'Trusted Cloud Europe'.

The main evaluation criteria focused on the outstanding performance, customer satisfaction, competitive pricing, security and flexibility of EBRC's cloud offer which enables companies to establish, develop and operate ambitious and complex IT projects since 2011.

The 'Trusted Cloud Europe' offering of EBRC, which relies on 'Tier IV Fault Tolerant Constructed Facility' certified data centres, attracts many (inter)national clients who are uncompromising regarding the protection, availability and security of their sensitive data.

'Daily news show that security and data protection in IT systems have to be a priority. To further strengthen this level of security, and to respond to new challenges in the protection of personal data, EBRC also decided to align its 'Trusted Cloud Europe' offer with the new ISO 27018 standard, which EBRC helped develop.

We thank all our national and international clients and members of the jury who confirm our strategy and allow us to promote know-how 'Made in Luxembourg', the digital fortress with high added value,' says Yves Reding, the CEO of EBRC.

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