BCE was awarded at the 27th Corporate Media distinction of masters


During the 27th Corporate Media distinction of masters, which took place on December 12th, 2015, Broadcasting Center Europe (BCE) was awarded for the promotional video and website production “Easydate.lu", which was conceived for LALUX Assurances.

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14/12/2015 |
  • Corporate Media BCE LALUX 03

Corporate Media is a European Masterclass Community Competition that rewards the new media, film and video elite. The community evaluates each entry and discusses them, studies the audiovisual and digital solutions, tools, systems and products and delivers a “best of media” panorama.

“Easydate.lu” received two awards:

  • Master of Excellence
  • Best creativity

The production “Easydate” was released in October 2014. It was realised by Thomas Neunreither and produced by BCE. The clips were built around a viral web campaign allowing the viewers to upload their photo and name and make it appear directly on the actors face and special spaces for the text in the video clips.

Link to the videos:

More information: www.corporate-media-masteraward.com

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