fts global further grows its business by appointing Henry Kelly to its Board of Directors

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Luxembourg--(February 27, 2015)- fts global, the Luxembourg-based company, delivering management and technical training across Europe and the world announces today, that in view of its European expansion, Henry Kelly has joined the fts global Board of Directors as a non-executive director.

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The appointment of Henry Kelly, who has long experience in the Luxembourgish and international fund and finance sector, demonstrates fts global’s level of maturity in its growth phase and its willingness to establish strong leadership.

David Micallef, Chairman of fts global, comments: "We are thrilled to have Mr. Kelly join our board. His experience as a non-executive director is unparalleled and will bring insight and knowledge in establishing best practices across the fts global Group, as well as bringing important guidance as we continue to advance our projects."

Rachel Treece, CEO of fts global further adds: “It is a truly exciting time for fts global following our recent acquisition of fast training. Things are moving forward apace, and we know that the insight that Henry Kelly brings will give us added strength and depth as we move confidently into a new future.”

Henry Kelly brings to fts global an impressive degree of experience in the field of governance. He is a well-established independent board member of investment funds and investment management companies domiciled in Luxembourg and internationally. He has been Chairman of the Fund Governance Forum for ALFI (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry) since its establishment in 2011 and is a founding member of the Investment Funds Committee of the Luxembourg Institute of Directors (ILA). He is a member of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) Corporate Governance Working Group and is a regular speaker at conferences on fund industry and corporate governance matters.

fts global is a global player on the Learning & Development scene headquartered in Luxembourg and present in 21 countries. With interests in training and coaching, executive search and education, and health and well-being at work, the company provides innovative human resource solutions to the global business community.

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