Deloitte named risk leader

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Gartner assesses Global Risk Management Consulting services

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  • Deloitte

We believe Deloitte’s unyielding commitment to clients as well as the focus on the development of our people and technologies were the main reasons for this landmark industry recognition

Laurent Berliner, Partner at Deloitte Luxembourg and EMEA Enterprise Risk Services Leader for the financial services industry

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to announce that Deloitte has been named “Leader” in Global Risk Management Consulting services by Gartner in its recently released report entitled Magic Quadrant for Global Risk Management Consulting Services. The Gartner report evaluated seven global firms and networks on three dimensions of risk management — framework, metrics and systems. Within the quadrant graphic included in the report, Deloitte member firms’ risk management consulting services were positioned highest on the “ability to execute” axis and furthest on the “completeness of vision” axis.

“We believe Deloitte’s unyielding commitment to clients as well as the focus on the development of our people and technologies were the main reasons for this landmark industry recognition,” says Laurent Berliner, Partner at Deloitte Luxembourg and EMEA Enterprise Risk Services Leader for the financial services industry.

Gartner defines risk management as “the strategic discipline of assessing, prioritising, monitoring and controlling the impact of uncertainty on objectives.” 

“Deloitte considers this positioning as a ‘Risk Leader’ as a reflection of its member firms’ commitment to helping clients integrate risk management into the business,” states Laurent Berliner. He further concludes: “Deloitte’s Risk Transformation framework is a prime example, addressing strategic and operational risks as well as risks related to governance, culture, technology and infrastructure, helping organisations regardless of industry and geography get ahead of risk.”

Cyber Risk Services and Crisis Management round out broad portfolio

Deloitte considers cyber risk services to rank among its most important offerings in the marketplace.

“The terms ‘cyber’ and ‘risk’ appear together with increasing frequency in the news,” says Laurent Berliner. “We believe the inclusion of cyber services in this report reinforces the point that cyber has rapidly become an essential component of comprehensive risk management programmes, as companies strive to become secure, vigilant and resilient.”

Another new service that gained mention in the report was crisis management.

“Member firm professionals always listen to clients and evolve our solutions to meet their clients' needs,” says Jeremy Smith, Global Leader, Crisis Management services, DTTL. “To that end, we’ve added new services within crisis management that integrate Deloitte’s existing capabilities — forensic, restructuring, financial crime, cyber and resilience services — to provide an end-end crisis management solution.”

To view the Gartner report, click here.

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