BGL BNP Paribas renews its support for Luxembourg football

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Partnership with the FLF extended until 2017

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15/04/2014 |
  • Partenariat BGL Ligue 13

Staying on as the FLF’s headline sponsor was a natural choice for BGL BNP Paribas. We want to stand by our active support for football, which is one of the most popular sports in Luxembourg. Our partnership, which goes back to 2007, is part of our long-standing tradition of sports sponsorship and reflects our active commitment, as a responsible bank, to Luxembourg’s business and social life

Carlo Thill, Chairman of the BGL BNP Paribas Management Board

On Monday 14 April 2014, representatives of BGL BNP Paribas and the Luxembourg Football Federation (FLF) met at the bank’s headquarters to sign an agreement extending their partnership for the next three seasons.

Signing the agreement were Carlo Thill, Chairman of the BGL BNP Paribas Management Board, Kik Schneider, member of the BGL BNP Paribas Management Board, Paul Philippe, FLF President, and Gilbert Goergen, Chairman of the Sponsoring and Marketing Committee.

Commenting on the agreement, Carlo Thill said: “Staying on as the FLF’s headline sponsor was a natural choice for BGL BNP Paribas. We want to stand by our active support for football, which is one of the most popular sports in Luxembourg. Our partnership, which goes back to 2007, is part of our long-standing tradition of sports sponsorship and reflects our active commitment, as a responsible bank, to Luxembourg’s business and social life.”

Paul Philippe added: “We are delighted that BGL BNP Paribas will remain one of our partners. Support from prominent sponsors is essential to our continuing efforts to promote football in Luxembourg”.

The Luxembourg football league will continue to be called BGL Ligue for the current season, which runs to May. The 2014-2015 season kicks off in August.

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