Laurent Jossart appointed manager of LuxairCARGO

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The Board of Directors of LuxairGroup appointed Mr Laurent Jossart Executive Vice President LuxairCARGO in its meeting earlier today.

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06/12/2013 | Personnalités
  • Mr Laurent Jossart LuxairCARGO

Mr Jossart is currently CFO of the LuxairGroup and will take up his new post on 1 January 2014. He will continue to be part of the LuxairGroup Executive Committee.

In his new role at LuxairCARGO, Mr Jossart's main priority will be to develop cargo handling activities with the aim of making the Luxembourg platform, a key element of logistics in Luxembourg, more attractive and competitive.

Laurent Jossart has extensive experience in the aviation sector. Before joining LuxairGroup, his roles included that of Managing Director of Charleroi Airport and also CFO of City Bird Group and later of the airline company Virgin Express.

The Board of Directors congratulated Mr Jossart on the commitment he has demonstrated in his functions as Executive Vice President of LuxairGroup and CFO over the past seven years and wished him every success in his new role.

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