Deloitte Luxembourg: new private wealth conference cycle

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Deloitte Luxembourg’s second conference of a series, addressing the challenges and opportunities of wealth management by country, was once again well received. Bringing together a range of local and international speakers, the conference focused on the Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan markets.

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19/12/2013 |
  • Pascal Rappalino - Propal - High Res - IMG 9266

    Pascal Rapallino, Tax Partner and Head of the Private Wealth services at Deloitte Luxembourg.

The end of the banking secrecy does not signal the end of innovative and structuring solutions for the asset planning of wealthy private clients, but leads to new opportunities that can be developed on the market

Pascal Rapallino, Tax Partner and Head of the Private Wealth services at Deloitte Luxembourg

The conference was hosted by Pascal Rapallino, Tax Partner and Head of the Private Wealth services at Deloitte Luxembourg, Henri Prijot, Tax Partner at Deloitte Luxembourg, Svetlana Meyer, Tax Partner at Deloitte Moscow and Artem Vasuytin, Tax Partner at Deloitte Saint- Petersburg.

Allowing private bankers, asset managers, family offices and insurers to address the latest tax matters of these countries, the conference also looked into the methods of wealth structuring for private clients and entrepreneurs residing or investing in these countries.

Pascal Rapallino states: “I am very pleased with the outcome of the event and am delighted at the interest shown by the market in this conference cycle, focusing not only on the traditional markets of Luxembourg, but also on the potential development of the wealth management sectors in Luxembourg.”

The speakers further debated on technical topics impacting the Russian market, such as currency regulations and exchange of information, giving the participants the opportunity to discuss and explore concrete issues that customers and prospects may be exposed to, as well as potential solutions.

Pascal Rapallino further confirms: "The end of the banking secrecy does not signal the end of innovative and structuring solutions for the asset planning of wealthy private clients, but leads to new opportunities that can be developed on the market."

This conference cycle was launched in order to enable professional asset management to discuss and share their knowledge on substantial international tax developments that have been known to impact high net worth individuals (HNWI), entrepreneurs and, more generally, private clients wishing to restructure their private and professional assets in or through Luxembourg.

The next conference on wealth structuring will take place in March 2014 and will focus on Italy, Monaco and Switzerland.

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