Kennedy names Deloitte global leader in banking sector for Cards and payments consulting

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Kennedy has named Deloitte a global leader in Banking Sector for Cards & Payments Consulting in their recently published report entitled “Kennedy: Consulting to the Banking Sector: Cards & Payments 2013”. Deloitte was also ranked No.1 for Cards & Payments Consulting globally based on member firm revenues and market share.

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21/11/2013 |
  • Pascal Eber - Proposal - Low Res

    Pascal Eber, partner at Deloitte Luxembourg.

With the ever-growing trend of globalisation and mobility in the market, I am very proud that Kennedy has recognised Deloitte for our strength in this fast-moving industry

Pascal Eber, partner at Deloitte Luxembourg

The report notes: “As some clients try to develop cross-border strategies, Deloitte is one of only a handful of firms with truly global capabilities.”

The “Consulting to the Banking Sector: Cards & Payments 2013” report examines the changing consulting landscape in the largest and most dynamic subsector of financial services: banking.

Kennedy has chosen to focus on a banking business line that “just 10 years ago was a quiet segment – cards & payments – but that today is a rapidly expanding star product line attracting the interest of banks, consumers, competitors, and regulators alike.” The report lays out the opportunities and challenges for buyers and sellers of consulting services in the global financial services marketplace, focusing on key trends, growth patterns, the competitive ecosystem and includes profiles of select key firms.

“With the ever-growing trend of globalisation and mobility in the market, I am very proud that Kennedy has recognised Deloitte for our strength in this fast-moving industry. I am pleased to see that our close collaboration with our colleagues around the DTTL network has been honoured with this ranking. ” commented Pascal Eber, partner at Deloitte Luxembourg.

Key Findings:

  • Deloitte named a Kennedy vanguard leader based on breadth and depth of capabilities
  • Deloitte ranked number 1 based on member firm revenues and marketshare
  • “Deloitte approaches the payments space through three functional areas: strategy, operations and technology. An important dimension of Deloitte’s approach is reliance on a cross-disciplinary team involving the firm’s assurance, tax, risk and advisory groups – especially since the firm focuses on M&A transactions involving payments issuers, processors, associations, and networks”
  • “A large number of Deloitte’s projects in cards & payments focus on cross-border deals.”
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