Emaar and Genii Capital join forces to promote Dubai's Expo 2020 bid on Lotus F1 Team cars


Global property developer Emaar Properties PJSC, an ‘Official Partner of Lotus F1 Team,’ has joined forces with Genii Capital, the owner of the Lotus F1 Team, to promote the Dubai Expo 2020 bid on the Lotus F1 Team cars for the upcoming races in the 2013 FIA Formula One World Championship, reaching a global audience.

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14/11/2013 |
  • Genii Capital

Our partnership with Genii Capital to promote the bid on the Lotus F1 Team cars underlines Dubai’s ability to connect with a global audience, facilitated by the city’s world-class infrastructure and cosmopolitan outlook

Mohamed Alabbar, Chairman of Emaar Properties

On November 17, the Lotus F1 Team cars will throttle down the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas, at the 2013 Formula 1 United States Grand Prix, with their side-pods featuring the unmistakable logo of Dubai’s expo emblazoned against a bright red backdrop that contrasts with the sleek black look of the Lotus F1 Team cars.

Covering a race distance of 308.4 km, through 56 laps, the joint promotional effort in support of the Dubai Expo 2020 bid is estimated to reach an audience of over 250 million people worldwide. With the final decision on the candidate city to be announced on November 27, the global outreach through the Lotus F1 Team cars will generate a strong buzz for the city.

Mohamed Alabbar, Chairman of Emaar Properties, said: “The UAE’s bid to host the World Expo 2020 in Dubai has captivated the world through its compelling message – ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.’ It is a true mark of our confidence and ability to host world-class events, and would be a unique occasion for us to celebrate the cultures and people of the world, as we already do in Dubai. Our partnership with Genii Capital to promote the bid on the Lotus F1 Team cars underlines Dubai’s ability to connect with a global audience, facilitated by the city’s world-class infrastructure and cosmopolitan outlook.”

Gerard Lopez, Chairman of Genii Capital and Chairman of Lotus F1 Team said: “With Dubai-based Emaar Properties coming on board as an ‘Official Partner of the Lotus F1 Team,’ launching a global support campaign for the city’s Expo 2020 bid was an honour for our group. The Lotus F1 Team cars will feature Dubai’s Expo 2020 Candidate City branding, reaching out to several million people and further supporting Dubai’s ambition to host the world’s foremost event.”

In September, Emaar announced its partnership with Lotus F1 Team as an ‘Official Partner.’ Emaar’s association with the world’s most widely followed motorsport, the FIA Formula One World Championship, is a strong demonstration of the company’s fast-expanding global brand imprint. The partnership with Lotus F1 Team marks Emaar’s first high-profile endorsement of the motor racing sport.

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