Redefining Overnight Bus Travel – emile weber invests in Swiss Startup Twiliner
Focusing on sustainability, quality, and safety – emile weber is set to reshape overnight bus travel and establish new standards in European travel. By investing in the Swiss startup Twiliner, one of the leading Luxembourgish family businesses in mobility and tourism combines nearly 150 years of experience with innovative strength. This collaboration marks a new milestone in the corporate group's vision to redefine travel experiences.
Twiliner is developing innovative bus seats that can transform into comfortable beds at the press of a button. These seats are the first of their kind to be approved in Europe. The seat shell, including a small dining and work table, provides necessary privacy. The back support system for horizontal positions, patented in 2022, allows for the safe transport of reclining passengers with the highest possible driving comfort. This innovative technology offers a stylish and more sustainable alternative to traditional train and air travel across Europe.
Twiliner aims to establish a comprehensive network of night buses that will connect the European continent and provide a new, attractive travel option, whether for individuals or chartered group travels. emile weber will start operating one of two routes with Twiliner seats from the beginning of 2025. The planned route will stretch from Brussels via Luxembourg and Bern to Geneva.
Deeply rooted in the history of Luxembourg and the border region, emile weber has always committed to blending traditional values with forward-looking innovations. The partnership with Twiliner underscores the company's vision to be at the forefront of the mobility and travel industry, offering solutions that are both high quality and safe. With the goal of making travel in Europe more sustainable, stress-free, and enjoyable, emile weber, together with Twiliner, is paving the way for a greener and more comfortable future in bus travel.
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