Carole Hartmann new president of the ORT
On Thursday, 8 February 2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the ORT Mullerthal Region took place.
After four busy years, it was time to say goodbye for the president, Christophe Origer. In his speech, he emphasized that he had really enjoyed his work. Although it had been very difficult at the beginning due to the precarious financial situation, together with the committee and above all with Managing Director Linda Salentin, it had been possible to bring the ORT back into financially calm waters and initiate many new projects. With a good conscience, Christophe Origer hands over the function to his successor Carole Hartmann.
Serge Pommerell, the representative of the youth hostels and treasurer, also announced his departure. Due to the difficult financial situation in 2020, he had also decided to take on the role of treasurer. He had always appreciated the good cooperation in the "Comité de Gérance". “We didn't always agree, but we always worked as a team and, above all, we fought for the same cause” he said. The great advantage of the ORT is that many people get to know each other better and work together for tourism.
The new president of the ORT, Carole Hartmann, is looking forward to her new role. She thanked Christophe Origer for the work he has done. The former president had invested a great deal of his time and energy in his function and could be proud that the curve is now pointing upwards again. The ORT has a long history, many people have become partners and this should remain the case in the future as well. Many people are involved in the ORT on a voluntary basis, even if they are supported by the ORT-employees.
The following were elected to the Executive Committee:
Carole Hartmann, Commune of Echternach, President
Joe Nilles, Commune of Berdorf, 1st Vice-President
Robi Baden, Syndicat d'Initiative Waldbillig, 2nd Vice-President
Gilles Stoffel, Youth Hostels Luxembourg, Treasurer
Patrick Hierthes, Commune of Rosport-Mompach, Member
Pit Friederes, Syndicat d'Initiative Aerenzdallgemeng, Member
Eline Buehre, Camprilux, Member
Maxime Bender, Trifolion Echternach, Membe
Communiqués liés
Carole Hartmann nouvelle présidente de l'ORT
Le jeudi 8 février 2024, l'ORT Région Mullerthal a tenu son assemblée génér...
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