DLA Piper partners with Datamaran to integrate ESG due diligence


DLA Piper has partnered with ESG risk management and data platform, Datamaran, to integrate Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) due diligence into legal due diligence.

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13/04/2021 |
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Powered by patented technology, Datamaran is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform that provides a data-driven process for identifying and monitoring external ESG risks and opportunities. Datamaran enables evidence-based insights and a near real-time assessment of material ESG risks that can be tailored to a client’s sector, geography or stakeholder context.

Combined with DLA Piper’s extensive ESG subject matter experience and multi-jurisdictional and cross-sector expertise, this solution offers clients a unique opportunity to embed ESG due diligence and risk management across corporate, financing and transactional activities. Key features include:

Fully integrated legal and ESG due diligence: leverages legal due diligence processes to integrate ESG considerations and provide a holistic view of value, risk and opportunity;

Data-driven and client tailored: evidence-based and near real-time identification of material ESG issues, tailored to sector and geography;

Enhanced ESG valuation and risk attribution: enhanced ability to respond to ESG risks by adjusting deal parameters, not just in terms of valuation but by contractual allocation, mitigants and post-completion follow up; and

Cost-effective and streamlined deal processes: minimises double-handling and deal-integrated from day, cutting down on request for information, overlap and timeframes.

Commenting, International Co-Head, Sustainability and ESG at DLA Piper, Natasha Luther-Jones, said: “Integrating ESG due diligence into corporate, financing and transactional activities enables a fuller understanding of value, risk and opportunity. As regulatory and investor demands continue to increase, applying a "third lens" to legal due diligence that enables integration of ESG considerations into business as usual will be critical to remaining competitive.”

“As the focus on ESG continues to intensify, and we see a growing concern over how it is governed and regulated, it is critical that companies in all sectors adopt the technology necessary to fully understand how these trends impact their customers and bottom line,” said Marjella Lecourt-Alma, CEO of Datamaran. “Our technology empowers clients to turn risks into opportunities, and DLA Piper is well-suited to full leverage this new solution for their clients and we are proud to partner with them on this endeavor.”

In addition to collaborating on the integration of ESG due diligence into legal due diligence, DLA Piper and Datamaran are launching a shared thought leadership platform with a dedicated microsite on the evolving external risk landscape, with a focus on regulation and policy making. The platform will be regularly updated to provide a view on selected themes, with the first ones covering the three key topics for Boards in 2021.

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